Reflections on our Guyana: Roopnaraine, Hetmeyer and Chanderpaul revived my...
I CAME of age politically when the PNC government of the 1970s was firing on all cylinders. During that time, I learned politics the hard way — on the streets, far away from the exercise of political...
View ArticleYou cannot undo the wrongs of the past without displacing the regime which...
THERE has been quite a lot of political drama in Guyana these past few weeks. From the Homestretch Development Incorporated (HDI) revelations to the tax-laden budget to the City Hall fiasco to the...
View ArticleRemembering Boyhood days and my Politics of Conscience
IT’S Christmas time, the season of goodwill and celebration, so I vowed not to write about politics this week. Today’s column, then, would be my personal reflection and memory. But, a passing note on...
View ArticleHinds’ Sight with Dr. David Hinds
The PPP is playing dirty politics, but why go after Red House when there is Pradoville I HAD intended to write a column on my New Year’s wishes for Guyana, but I had to change gear when the story...
View ArticleThere is no Middle Ground,we see with the eyes of our biases
LAST week’s column sought to make sense of the contending arguments over the President’s decision to make a presidential order to recover the Red House from the PPP. As one who is appalled by the...
View ArticleA Tribute to Kathy Wills, a little-known Guyanese Heroine
TODAY, I dedicate my column to a little-known activist, Kathy Wills, who died this past week in Florida, USA. Kathy, as we called her, was a WPA activist during the heady days of the 1970s-1980s. Kathy...
View ArticleResistance must be Constant
AS I WRITE this column, the Women’s March on Washington is in full swing. Tens of thousands of women from all corners of America join hands and hearts to draw attention to the dangers of the Trump...
View ArticleThat Cabinet Shuffle and the Madness on the Roadways
A FEW weeks ago, the president did a mini-reshuffle or what I call a “shuffle” of the cabinet, which was ignited by controversy at the Public Health Ministry. No government wants any of its ministries...
View ArticleThe Parking Meter Fiasco and the Arrogance of Power
-stop being arrogant and ‘rap’ to your people I HAVE been following the parking meter debate with great interest. We have heard two major justifications for the project. First, there is the argument in...
View ArticleSo many things to say: Our Government has to do better
THIS week, like Brother Bob Marley would say, I have “ so much things to say,” that I don’t know where to start. The Mayor of Georgetown and some government supporters have dismissed the protest...
View ArticleThe PPP sense of its inherent virtue must be challenged
THIS PAST week PPP party leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, announced that his party would bring private corruption charges against government ministers. At one level, one is tempted to dismiss such threats as...
View ArticleIf the APNU-AFC Coalition does not make it beyond one-term, they have only...
This year is shaping up to be a defining one in contemporary Guyanese politics. The government is under pressure from its constituents to do better while the PPP is trying its best to exploit the...
View ArticleIndentureship and the Indian Guyanese Narrative of Suffering and Victimisation
Hinds’ Sight with Dr. David Hinds I JUST READ Demerara Wave’s news report of the launch of the activities to mark 100 years since the end of indentureship in Guyana. I was not surprised at the comments...
View ArticleThe power of legitimate protest: The Parking Meter project must go.
THIS past Thursday, I joined the silent protest against the parking meters. It is no secret that I have long argued that under the two previous governments, resistance and protests were criminalised....
View ArticleWalter Rodney and our complex Guyanese Journey
IF DR WALTER Rodney were alive, he would have been 75 years old this past week. Some people have been asking me to comment on the status of the Walter Rodney CoI, which was debated in the National...
View ArticleWhither West Indies Cricket?
THIS week, I depart from politics. The West Indies cricket team is currently doing what it has done for the last two decades — make a mess of our once proud cricket history. It is not that we have been...
View ArticleArticulating a Vision and Consulting with People are Urgently Needed
THERE are two necessary ingredients in any recipe for good, effective and democratic governance. First, there needs to be an overall vision of where the government proposes to take the country and the...
View ArticleA Prime Minister apologises for persecution of Rastafarians—the start of a...
By Dr David Hinds IN Guyana, we have become so wrapped up in our local politics that we seem to forget that we are part of a larger world that has a tremendous impact on our internal political and...
View ArticleThe Ethnic Trap Facing the Government
ONE of the consequences of the PPP’s two-decade tenure in office, is that it has become much more difficult to deal with Guyana’s long-standing ethnic problem. On the one hand, the PPP’s mode of...
View ArticleThe PPP has transformed Guyana into an Ethnic State and Political Economy
LAST week I sought to address the taboo issue — Ethnicity. My central point was that the PPP’s wholesale ethnic transfer of resources — political, economic and cultural — to the elites of one of our...
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